The Spooky Statistics on Gun Violence

Gun violence is a chilling and persistent problem in many parts of the world, particularly in the United States. The statistics alone are haunting. 

Thousands of lives are lost every year due to firearm-related incidents. While the numbers may seem frightening, there is hope.

Plus, two simple steps you can take to help save lives and create your own ripple of positivity.

The Stats: Why We Need to Address Gun Safety

High Homicide Rates

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2022, 19,592 died by gun in the United States. This staggering number represents the loss of countless lives and families forever altered. The gun homicide rate decreased 6.8% in 2022, with 1,366 fewer gun homicides in 2021. Even with this decrease, 2022 represents the second-highest gun homicide rate since 1995. 

Mass Shootings Statistics 

Mass shootings continue to make headlines. They lurk in the recesses of our minds when we’re in a crowded space, whether in a movie theater, grocery store, church, or school.  The number of mass shooting incidents and the number of people shot in them have increased since 2015, reaching a high of 686 mass shooting incidents in 2021, according to

Accidental Shootings

Sadly, accidents involving firearms are also a significant concern. In 2020, there were 1,461 unintentional shootings in the United States, leading to 456 deaths and 1,005 injuries. Tragically, children often find themselves involved in firearm accidents. In 2020, 1,449 children aged 0-17 were killed or injured in firearm incidents.


Firearms are the most common method of suicide in the United States, and the statistics are truly startling. In 2020, there were 24,090 firearm-related suicides, according to the CDC.

Reading those statistics can be disheartening, but there is hope. Here are two simple steps you can take to save lives and create your own ripple of positivity.

Two Ways You Can Help Save Lives

  1. Lock Your Gun

We believe every second matters. One of the most effective ways to reduce gun violence is by using gun locks. These devices are designed to secure firearms, making them inaccessible to unauthorized users, whether a child, a thief, or someone intent on harm.  Learn 7 Reasons Why Gun Locks Matter when it comes to saving lives.

2. Take a Gun Training Class

Knowledge is power when it comes to reducing gun violence. Responsible gun ownership includes understanding how to handle, store, and use firearms safely. Only nine states currently require training before purchasing a gun. Learn how gun training can help save lives and benefit us all.

The Big Picture

Gun locks and training are powerful tools in this modern-day plague of gun violence. Together, we can save lives—prevent accidents and suicides, and ensure responsible firearm ownership. While they may not solve the problem entirely, they move our communities in the right direction, making them safer and less haunted by the ghosts of gun violence.

Need a Gun Lock?

Click here to get a free cable-style gun lock shipped to you today.


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