Students Walkout to Protest Gun Violence
An 11-year old girl in Portland, Oregon helped her school organize their walkout. Students made posters, wrote a press release, and made buttons.
At campuses across the country on April 5th, 2023, students will be walking out to protest gun violence. For good reason too. According to Students Demand Action’s website, “gun violence is the leading cause of death for American children and teens.”
Every person that walks into a school should be able to walk out. Students want to show lawmakers how they feel—gun safety is needed at every level.
Most firearm owners keep at least one firearm unlocked, with some viewing gun locks as an unnecessary obstacle to quick access in an emergency, according to a Rutgers study.
Among the actions, students are demanding is safe gun storage. Safe gun storage limits easy access to guns, which can help prevent gun violence, whether it be self-inflicted or on someone else. Locking your gun is one of the most inexpensive ways to prevent a firearm from being used unintentionally.
More than 4,000 under-19 year olds were slain by guns in 2020 alone, meaning firearms now claim more lives than car crashes and drug overdoses for the first time.
Learn more about Students Demand Action and click here to get your free gun lock today and be sure to share this with someone to #savelives and spread a #rippleofpositiviy