Current Tides
Here you’ll find all the latest happenings at Big Waves, news about gun safety, and ways you can help create your own ripple of positivity.
Accidental Gun Violence
Firearms is the second highest cause of death among children and teens. In 2018, gun accidents killed 73 children.
ODP - A Player’s Perspective
I may have Cali-hair, but I’m a Colorado boy at heart and I really do care how water polo has affected my life!
First Year Experiencing ODP
This season is finishing my second full season playing water polo and my first year with the ODP program. I had a blast!
Is Happiness a Choice?
What is happiness? A sense of well being, that all is OK for that moment in time. A sense of contentment even if life if not perfect. After all there is really no such thing as perfect.
Start the Conversation
The subject of guns is polarizing, emotional, and often one we avoid entirely. It’s a conversation we want to happen at someone else’s dinner table, far away from our own social, professional and even political circles.
The Statistics are Heartbreaking
Everyday, approximately 310 people are shot in the United States of America. Of those shot, approximately 100 people are killed from guns every day. The impact on children is staggering.